

By: Aishat Ohunene Yusuf

One may wonder why the appointment of 717 Ward Special Assistants (WSAs) is necessary when local council officials are already present at the grassroots level. The answer lies in the understanding that leadership is all-encompassing. It requires setting a vision and making strategic decisions that significantly impact the pace and sustainability of development.Why appoint 717 Ward Special Assistants (WSAs) when there are already local council officials at the grassroots level? The answer is that leadership is comprehensive, involving setting a vision and making strategic decisions that significantly impact the pace and sustainability of development.

In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, leaders at all levels must be innovative and strategic in their governance approach. His Excellency, Alh. Ahmed Usman Ododo exemplifies this with his vision for promoting the tenets of democracy that shape modern governance. He deemed it essential to appoint 717 WSAs to reinforce participatory governance in Kogi State and bridge the gap between the government and the people.

Participatory governance, a cornerstone of sustainable development, is a global trend and a prerequisite for meaningful development; it is one of democracy’s fundamental tenets. His Excellency, in his quest for equitable and sustainable development, acknowledges that governance in Kogi State must adopt a bottom-to-top approach rather than the top-to-bottom approach that often excludes the voices of those whom the government is meant to serve.

According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), participatory governance is defined as “a governance approach that emphasizes the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process and policy implementation. It seeks to include diverse voices and perspectives in governance structures and processes, thereby enhancing transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs and preferences of the community.”

Aligning with this definition, it is evident that His Excellency, Alh. Ahmed Usman Ododo subscribes to globally accepted practices through the appointment of 717 WSAs, who span the length and breadth of Kogi State. They provide an active platform for citizen involvement and engagement in the governance process, ensuring that the government is genuinely representative of its people.

There is no doubt that with this significant stride by His Excellency, the state will experience diverse transformation politically and socio-economically. The Ward Special Assistants will play a crucial role in enhancing participatory governance as intermediaries between the state government

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