
By Patience Salawu

Governor Ododo has outlined his administration’s strategy to combat poverty by focusing on enhancing food production through a revolutionary approach to the Agricultural Sector.

The Governor emphasized that the State Government is dedicated to harnessing the potential of agriculture and solid minerals to enhance their value chains and generate employment opportunities.

He highlighted that the state is a key producer of cassava, rice, and cashew in Nigeria.

In his address, the State Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Security, Hon. Timothy Ojomah, elaborated on the State Government’s Agricultural Intervention Programme.

This strategic initiative, he said is aimed to address food scarcity by focusing on rice, maize, and cassava production.

Hon. Ojomah emphasized the importance of meticulous technical planning and implementation strategies for the success of the agricultural intervention. Specific targets have been set, including 1,200 hectares for cassava, 5,124 hectares for rice, and 1,200 hectares for maize, with all Local Government Areas actively participating in the program.

In a supportive message, the State Chairman of the All Farmers Association, Salihu Adobayin, commended the State Government’s Agricultural Intervention Programme as a groundbreaking initiative that will significantly boost food production.

Furthermore, the Ajaokuta Local Government Transition Committee Chairman, Haruna Aliyu, highlighted the remarkable progress made in the Agricultural Sector under the leadership of the State Governor.

This achievement, he added, underscores the Governor’s unwavering commitment to improving the welfare of the state’s residents.

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